For Teens

It's not easy being a Muslim teen - school, parents, friends, social media, body image, and boys. Don't worry sister, we'll hook you up iA!

For Everybody else

You may be a mom, a coach, a youth group leader, but you need some tips and tricks to connect with Muslim teens in a halaqa format. We can help iA!


Nasiha means "advice and sincerity" which is part of our tradition as Muslims. We are always trying to give advice to the loved Muslim women in our lives. Whether she's our daughter, neighbor, niece or sister, we want to guide them and help them through their difficult times. Nasiha Hub creates and compiles resources to help you make the best safe space for Muslim sisters.


Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim. We were all once teenagers. Being a teenage Muslima can sometimes be tricky. There is so much peer pressure, media influences and decrease in self esteem. Being a Muslim teen can be hard. And so can reaching teens, but once you have the right tools, it can be easier. We aim to create and compile resources to create safe spaces for Muslim Sisters. InshAllah we hope to regularly update our site, keep our content free, and expand, if Allah permits.


Nasiha Hub can't do this alone - thanks to our online family! We appreciate your ideas, questions, topic requests, and photos.  Click above to see a list of those who have contributed ideas.  Subscribe to our newsletter so we can stay in touch!

Find Muslim women mentors and speakers. All at your fingertips at Nasiha Network.


Do you have an amazing idea that you want share with the Muslim Ummah or Community? Email it to us so we can publish it, and we'll credit you with the idea!